Vanzare cladire monument istoric, Romana - Dacia, Bucuresti

Cere oferta pret

Dormitoare: 24 Bai: 6 Metri patrati: 1.700 Vanzare imobil situat in zona Romana - Dacia - Gradina Icoanei. Imobilul este format din teren in suprafata de 2464 mp si 2 corpuri de cladiri:

Dormitoare: 24
Bai: 6
Metri patrati: 1.700

Vanzare imobil situat in zona Romana - Dacia - Gradina Icoanei. Imobilul este format din teren in suprafata de 2464 mp si 2 corpuri de cladiri: Corp 1: S+P+1E+M - construit in stilul arhitectural neo-romanesc.Volumetria cladirii este similara cu cea a unui conac fortificat din secolul al 18-lea din Tara Romaneasca.Toate fatadele sunt vopsite in alb, au o baza rustica, placate cu piatra de Ruschita.
Corp 2: P+M - este anexa, construita in acelasi til neo-romanesc.
Imobilul, incadrat pe lista monumentelor istorice, a apartinut marelui om politic Vintila Bratianu. Ceea ce este uimitor, este faptul ca vila Bratianu a suferit modificari minore in timpul celor peste 100 de ani de cand a fost construita. In fostele saloane principale au fost foarte bine conservate usile sablate, lambriurile de lemn, tavanele, candelabrele, biblioteca si parti din mobilierul original. Vila are o puternica incarcatura istorica, avand in vedere ca in 1916, in aceasta vilas-au semnat in secret documentele prin care Romania intra in razboi de partea Antantei.
VilaBratianu este o marturie vie despre o epoca plina de prosperitate, despre un stil de viata occidental, tradeaza gusturile rafinate si competenta arhitectului.
Pretul acestui imobil este de 6.000.000 Euro negociabil. ID intern: REF011005305.
The building situated in the area Romana-Dacia-Gradina Icoanei, consisting of land area of A = 2.464, 75sq m fromcadastral measurements and 2 buildings: Building B1 – BS+GF+1F+A, and B2 – GF+A, belonged to the great politician VintilaBratianu, representing his home.
According to the bucharest Historical Monuments’ List updated in 2010, the building is classified as monument group B.
What is amazing about Bratianu Villa is the fact that not only the volumetry, but also the planimetry have suffered minormodifications during the 100 years since the building was built. Besides the unaltered inside partitions, in the former principallounges were very well preserved the sandblasted doors with meshes of glass, the wood paneling and ceiling, brass chandeliers,library and various bodies of the original furniture.
The building is in good condition, the resistance structure composing of: brick masonry, wooden boards on the main body of the house and in the area of servicesand secondary body, brick boards, ferroconcrete boards in the basement and in the extension areas, wooden framing roof. Given the image of the whole architecturalensemble, and also the conservation, on the whole, of the original layout, Villa Vintila Bratianu, is a living testimony about an era of prosperity and freshness of thecity, about a Western lifestyle, betraying the refined tastes of the limited partner and the architect’s competence.
The price for this amazing building is 6.000.000 Eur.
.floor: D+P+1+MREF_ID: REF011005305

Cere oferta pret Vanzare cladire monument istoric, Romana - Dacia, Bucuresti


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