Vand teren Jud Bistrita Nasaud

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Subcategorie: Pamant

Cere oferta pret

Vand teren de 2 hectare in Magura, com. Tiha-Bargaului, jud.bistrita-nasaud. Un drum pietruit de aprox. 900 m. face legatura intre teren si strada principala.

Vand teren de 2 hectare in Magura, com. Tiha-Bargaului, jud.bistrita-nasaud. Un drum pietruit de aprox. 900 m. face legatura intre teren si strada principala. Pret: 33.000 de euro (negociabil). Numar de contact al proprietarului: 0757 870 686.
Magura, Tiha-Bargaului, Bistrita-Nasaud (a county in the North of Romania)
Land for sale
200 mq
33.000 euro (negotiable)
A paved road of approximately 900 meters connects the land with the main street.
For further details (English version), please phone at: 0757 043 043

Cere oferta pret Vand teren Jud Bistrita Nasaud
