Uleiuri minerale Shell Corena V 100
Cere oferta pret
shell corena Oil V Premium Vacuum pump lubricant shell corena Oil V is a formulated from selected, premium performance, highly refined mineral oils without containing any additives.
shell corena Oil V
Premium Vacuum pump lubricant
shell corena Oil V is a formulated from selected, premium performance, highly refined mineral oils without containing any additives. It has natural resistance against ageing. Corena V is suitable for the lubrication of rotary vacuum pumps.
Rotary vacuum pump
Corena V is designed for the use in rotary and slide van vacuum pumps. Here it can be used to a vacuum pressure of 1x10-3 mbar. This will cover most of the industrial and also laboratory applications.
Advice on applications not covered in this leaflet may be obtained from your Shell representative.
Performance Features and Advantages
Very good oxidation stability
The selected mineral base oil for the formulation of Corena V is offering a very good natural resistance to oil degradation. This will ensure a long oil life, low tendency for building up sludge and deposits formation
Sufficient low vapour pressure
The careful selection of the base oil is providing a very low vapour pressure of the oil because of the narrow boiling range. This will enable the machine to easily reach the vacuum it is designed for. It also helps to minimise the thickening of the oil because of light-end carry over.
Corrosion protection
It will ensure proper rust protection to all components because the neutral behaviour of the oil.
Good demulsibility
Corena V will offer a good demulsibility in order to keep the amount of moisture and water in the oil to a minimum.
Specification and Approvals
ISO 6743-3A-DVC
Shell Corena V is known and used to many key OEMaa‚¬a„¢s throughout the world.
Application advice
Corena V should not be used in vacuumpumps running under conditions like very high temperatures and permanent service.
It should not be used when corrosive gases or vapours are involved in the extraction process.
Health and Safety
Guidance on Health and Safety are available on the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet which can be obtained from your Shell representative.
Protect the environment
Take used oil to an authorised collection point. Do not discharge into drains, soil or water.
Typical Physical Characteristics
Corena V 100
ISO Viscosity grade ISO 3448 100
Kinematic viscosity ASTM D445
at 40 grd C mm A²/s 108
at 100 grd C mm A²/s 11.8
Density at 15 grd C kg/m A³ ASTM D1298 882
Flash point COC grd C ASTM D92 265
Pour point grd C ASTM D97 -9
Neutralisation value mg KOH/g ASTM D947 <0,04
Ash content %m ISO 6245 <0,01
Conradson carbon residue %m DIN 51551 0.05
Vapour pressure
at 221 grd C mbar 1
at 140 grd C mbar 6 x 10-3
at 100 grd C mbar 2,7 x 10-4
at 80 grd C mbar 3,5 x 10-5.
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