Transciption Kit Olympus AS-5000
Cere oferta pret
Olympus DSS Player Pro Release 5.x - Olympus DSS Player Pro 5.x de lansare- RS-25 Foot Pedal - RS-25 Foot pedala- Serial Cable and USB Cable for Foot Control -
Olympus DSS Player Pro Release 5.x - Olympus DSS Player Pro 5.x de lansare- RS-25 Foot Pedal - RS-25 Foot pedala- Serial Cable and USB Cable for Foot Control - Cablu serial "i cablu USB pentru combatere a febrei- E61 Transcribing Headset - E61 Transcrierea Setul cu casc""
Prin cuplarea DS-5000 cu Transcriere AS-5000 Kit, eficien""a poate fi preluat mai multe crestaturi in intreprinderile de toate m""rimile.
Dictation thereby becomes a fully integrated part of the office workflow and the conversion from voice to text is made significantly easier. Dictare, prin urmare, devine o parte complet integrat"" a fluxului de lucru de birou "i conversia de la voce la text se face in mod semnificativ mai u""or.
The AS-5000 Transcription Kit includes a footswitch and headset to ensure ergonomic working by the transcriptionist. Transcriere AS-5000 Kit include un Pedala "i setul cu casc"" pentru a se asigura de lucru ergonomice de Transcriptionist.
In addition, process efficiency is optimised thanks to the new DSS Player Pro Transcription Software Module bundled with the AS-5000 Transcription Kit. In plus, eficien""a procesului este optimizat datorita noului DSS Player Pro Transcrierea Software Modul bundled cu Transcriere AS-5000 Kit.
Besides making secure file management easier than ever before, it offers multiple file transfer options to suit individual requirements. Pe lang"" faptul c"" managementul sigur dosar mai u""or decat oricand inainte, acesta ofer"" op""iuni multiple de transfer de fi""iere pentru a se potrivi cu cerin""ele individuale.
Full Citrix and Terminal Service support is provided and it is compatible with POP3, SMTP, IMAP Microsoft Outlook, Novell GroupWise, Lotus Notes and Extended MAPI email environments. Full Citrix "i Serviciul Terminal sprijin este oferit "i este compatibil cu POP3, SMTP, IMAP Outlook Microsoft, Novell GroupWise, Lotus Notes "i MAPI medii Extended e-mail.
Moreover, SSL support for email/ftp is also included. Mai mult decat atat, suport SSL pentru e-mail / FTP este de asemenea inclus.
The DS-5000 Voice Recorder and AS-5000 Transcription Kit - along with the corresponding DSS Player Pro software - represent a complete digital dictation and transcription system for businesses of all types and sizes. DS-5000 Voice Recorder "i AS-5000 Transcrierea Kit - impreun"" cu software-ul corespunz""tor DSS Player Pro - reprezint"" o dictare complet digital si sistem de transcriere pentru companiile de toate tipurile "i dimensiunile.
They will be available from March 2008 - exclusively at authorised Olympus Pro Line dealers. Acestea vor fi disponibile incepand cu luna martie 2008 - exclusiv la dealerii autoriza""i Olympus Pro Line.
Cere oferta pret Transciption Kit Olympus AS-5000
Alte Produse Transciption Kit Olympus AS-5000
Diverse Altele
Olympus AS-5000 Transciption Kit ( incl. RS-28, DSS Player Pro, E-62
AS-5000 Transciption KitProducator: Olympus ..
Olympus AS-2400 Transcription Kit (incl. RS-28, DSS Player Rel.7, E-102) + Transport Gratuit
Olympus AS-2400 Transcription Kit (incl. RS-28, DSS Player Rel.7, E-102) + Transport Gratuit
Diverse -
Olympus AS-2300 Transcription Kit (incl. RS-28, DSS Player Rel.6, E-102) + Transport Gratuit
Olympus AS-2300 Transcription Kit (incl. RS-28, DSS Player Rel.6, E-102) + Transport Gratuit
Diverse -
Kit de transcriere Olympus AS-2400, pedala RS-28 + casti E-102 + soft de transcriere, DSSPro/DSS/WAV/WM
Kit de transcriere Olympus AS-2400, pedala RS-28 + casti E-102 + soft de transcriere, DSSPro/DSS/WAV/WM
Electronice -
Microfon OLYMPUS ME-12
Microfon OLYMPUS ME-12