Teren Baneasa de vanzare - In spate la Academia de Politie - Land offer

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Teren de vanzare in Baneasa, in spatele Academiei de Politie ( laturi Aleea Padina , Aleea Teisani , aproape de complex Stejari ) * Zona este premium pentru dezvoltare imobiliara .

Teren de vanzare in Baneasa, in spatele Academiei de Politie ( laturi Aleea Padina , Aleea Teisani , aproape de complex Stejari )

* Zona este premium pentru dezvoltare imobiliara .
* Suprafata 250 000 metri patrati ( = 25 hectare ) .
* Unic proprietar .
* Toate actele ,inclusiv certificat de urbanism.
* Racordare rapida si usoara la apa , canalizare , electricitate , gaze conform actelor .

* 875000 euro tot , negociabil
* Exclus agentii imobiliare

Indicator introdus

langa Padurea Baneasa, Bucuresti
https://goo.gl/maps/ms2efM1Q26m .

* Land offert for sale behind Police Academy ( sides Teisani Alee, Padina Alee , very near at Stejari Residential of Tiriac Real Estate across the steet )
* The area is a premium one , very good for real estate development .
* Also has comercial stores , malls , schools very near by .
* It has 250000 square meter ( 25 hectars)
* One owner
* All legal documents including city certificate ( urbanism certificate )
* All utilities: water , electricity , natural gas , sewer - acordind to the documents
* Real estate agency excluded

Cere oferta pret Teren Baneasa de vanzare - In spate la Academia de Politie - Land offer


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