Spatiu comercial de vanzare, situat in centrul orasului Constanta. € 135000

Cere oferta pret

White Mountain Property ofera spre vanzare acest spatiu comercial, situat in centrul orasului constanta, pe strada General Manu, momentan aflat in curs de renovare.

White Mountain Property ofera spre vanzare acest spatiu comercial, situat in centrul orasului constanta, pe strada General Manu, momentan aflat in curs de renovare.
Spatiul este structurat dupa cum urmeaza: - Parter: dispune de o suprafata de 90 metri patrati si o camara de 7,75 metri patrati.
- Subsol: compus din o magazie, doua bai si o incapere spatioasa, avand suprafata totala de 73,24 metri patrati.
Acest spatiu este ideal pentru un bar, magazin de haine sau pantofi, componente PC sau agentie, datorita vadului comercial excelent.
White Mountain Property presents this commercial space for sale, located in the centre of Constanta, on General Manu street, in the process of being renovated.
The property is structured as follows: - Ground floor: with a total living area of 90 square meters and a storage room of 7.75 square meters.
- Basement: comprised of one storage room, two bathrooms and a spacious room, with a total living area of 73,24 square meters.
This property is ideal for a bar, fashion or shoe shop, hardware store or commercial agency, due to its excellent foot-fall.

Cere oferta pret Spatiu comercial de vanzare, situat in centrul orasului Constanta. € 135000


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