Software baza de date EnyNewsLetter

Report abuse Categorie: Electronice & IT
Subcategorie: Diverse

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Admin Access: Secured access based on user and password to administrator interface. Manage Category: You can split Subscribers in Client Categories for easy management.

Admin Access: Secured access based on user and password to administrator interface.
Manage Category: You can split Subscribers in Client Categories for easy management. aa‚¬Å“Send to All' is an option who send mail to all subscribers from selected category. In the same screen you can add/edit/delete categories.

Add Newsletter:Add Newsletter or add advertising email is the same thing. You can easy define an email body exactly like you want to. You can link pictures by add direct URL adress to the website where the images are. Now, for easy edit, we added an HTML editor where you can just paste a lot of HTML code from your word document or from your html/design person. You can use a newsletter any time when you wish, send more emails with the same template/newsletter.

Campaign:We added the campaigns option on EnyNewsletter for few reasons: [1] you can group more that one category under one campaign; [2] you can see the history and where you sent the newsletter; [3] you can simultaneously send the newsletter to more that one category because you are allowed to add more categories in one campaign.

Add/Edit Campaign:You can Edit (add or remove one or more categories, change the content, etc.), Add and Delete at any time a campaign.

Send Newsletter:You have 3 ways for sending a newsletter: sent individual, send to a category, sent to a campaign (more client categories). When you choose the letter, the content will appear in the page, before beeing sent... this lets you make a final review before sending.

Search Subscriber:A simple and eficient function added to let to find a subscriber in your database by Name or Email or Address.

Black List: When a subscriber clicks on the "Unsubscribe" link from the advertising email, we will move him in Black List. From here you can delete or remove him at any time.

Cere oferta pret Software baza de date EnyNewsLetter
