Servicii Inbound
Cere oferta pret
Inbound Services Dedicated professionals handling your calls 24/7 to create, maintain and enhance your customer relationship. Overflow / Out-of-Hours A service that supplements your own Call and Contact Centre facilities,
Inbound Services
Dedicated professionals handling your calls 24/7 to create, maintain and enhance your customer relationship.
Overflow / Out-of-Hours
A service that supplements your own Call and Contact Centre facilities, offering extended opening hours and increased call capacity that is cost effective for you.
Need an assistant" Why hire one" Just contact us and we will do the job for you: answer all your calls, schedule your appointments, deliver the messages to you, send and receive emails or faxes for you. It is so simple!
* Credit card processing
* Regular reporting
* Web-enabled stations
* Produce or direct mail fullfillment
* Script writing
* Foreign language support
* Take sales orders
* Customer service
* Technical support
* Qualify inbound leads
* Process applications
* Schedule appointments
* Respond to and manage email
* Web chat support
* Secretary answering services
Servicii Inbound
Cu o echipa de profesionisti dedicati va putem raspunde apelurilor 24de ore din 24, 7zile din 7! pentru a crea, mentine si imbunatati relatiile dumneavoastra cu clientii.
Supraaglomerare / In afara orelor de program -Un serviciu ce completeaza facilitatile dumneavoastra de call center si care va va minimaliza cheltuielile, oferind un program de munca extins si capacitatea de a prelua apelurilor carora dumneavoastra nu le faceti fata.
Aveti nevoie de un asistent" - De ce sa angajati unul" Trebuie doar sa ne contactati si ne vom ocupa noi de restul : vom raspunde apelurilor pe care le primiti, va vom programa intalnirile, va vom transmite mesajele, mailurile sau faxurile. Este atat de simplu!
Serviciile nostre Inbound includ dar nu sunt limitate la:
- Procesare carduri de credit
- Suport tehnic
- Raportare regulata
- Calificarea contactelor
- Scrierea si evaluarea scripturilor
- Aplicarea proceselor
- Suport pentru limbi straine
- Programarea intalnirilor
- Procesare
- Raspunsul e-mailurilor
- Relatii cu clientii
- Suport pentru web chat
- Servicii de preluare a apelurilor tip secretara
Detalii pe http://www.aisfan.ro si http://www.aisfan.com
Cere oferta pret Servicii Inbound
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