Regulator electronic Brushless Roxxy BL-Control 90 8627
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The 900 series is a further development of the proven ROXXY BL-800 series, and now offers a range of new functions which make these speed controllers equally suitable for use in model aircraft,
The 900 series is a further development of the proven ROXXY BL-800 series, and now offers a range of new functions which make these speed controllers equally suitable for use in model aircraft, boats and electric helicopters. The new functions: Programmable forward / reverse function, ideal for model boat applications. Governor mode, optionally programmable with or without speed regulator: perfect for micro and mini electric helicopters. Plug-in programming card for simple and unambiguous function set-up. Additional features: Can be set for use with in-runner and outrunner motors; LED indicator. Brake can be programmed on and off. High pulse frequency (32,000 Hz) for ultrafine speed control, e.g. for ""torque-rolls"". Integral temperature guard protects the controller from thermally induced damage. Designed for 6 .. 12 NC / NiMH or 2 ... 4 LiPo cells. Programmable low-voltage cut-off. Like all robbe speed controllers, these units are fitted with the usual protective and filter functions, including POR power-on guard and RX filter. Designed specifically to match the ROXXY series of BL motors, but can also be used with other brushless motors. Programmable basic functions: NC / NiMH or LiPo battery type Motor direction left, right, forward / reverse Brake On / Off Model type select: fixed-wing, boat or helicopter Specificatii: Nr. Celule: 6-12 NiCd/ NiMH; 2-4 LiPo Curent sustinut: 8 A (12 A in scurt) Functii: Inainte/ Stop/ Frana/ Inapoi Dimensiuni: 21 x 16 x 7 mm Masa: 12 g (cu cabluri dar fara conectori) BEC: 5 Volt / max. 2 A Auxiliary functions (only with the programming card,No. 8642) - Cut-off voltage NC / NiMH: 6 .. 7 cells = 0.9 V / cell 8 ... 12 cells = 7.2 Volt 2 LiPo: 5.5 Volt 3 LiPo: 8.3 Volt 4 LiPo: 11 Volt - Cut-off mode - Motor timing - Acceleration - Start power - Brake power - Governor (speed regulator mode) ATENTIE !! - daca se va folosi la navomodele este indicat sa utilizati radiator suplimentar (de preferat cu apa) PRECAUTII GENERALE: regulatoarele electronice furnizate de Sierra Modellsport beneficiaza de 12 luni garantie in conditiile respectarii urmatoarelor reguli generale: - inversarea tensiunii de alimentare la intrare duce la distrugerea instantanee a acestor dispozitive - scurtcircuitarea firelor de la iesirea pentru motor determina arderea regulatoarelor - este interzisa depasirea parametrilor maximi specificati (tensiune si curent) - este obligatoriu sa asigurati un flux de aer corespunzator pentru disiparea caldurii care se genereaza in timpul functionarii regulatoarelor - protejati regulatoarele de socuri mecanice si stropire cu apa sau alte lichide Nerespectarea acestor reguli de baza atrage anularea garantiei produsului.
Cere oferta pret Regulator electronic Brushless Roxxy BL-Control 90 8627
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