Performance PC 130
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Specificatii tehnice Difuzoare coaxiale 2 cai Diametru: 13cm Putere: RMS: 60W Max: 120W Impedanta: 4 Ohmi Sensibilitate: 91.6dB (2.83V/1m) Raspuns in frecventa:
Specificatii tehnice Difuzoare coaxiale 2 cai Diametru: 13cm Putere: RMS: 60W Max: 120W Impedanta: 4 Ohmi Sensibilitate: 91.6dB (2.83V/1m) Raspuns in frecventa: 80Hz - 20KHz Fs: 101.14Hz Qts: 0.73 Vas: 2.96 litri Xmax: 2.5mm Grile de protectie incluse
Producator: Focal
Cere oferta pret Performance PC 130
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