Pensiune de vanzare situata in centrul statiunii balneo-climaterice Covasna. € 170000
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White Mountain Property ofera spre vanzare aceasta pensiune situata in centrul statiunii balneo-climaterice covasna. Pensiunea a fost construita in anul 2007 si ofera beneficiile unei baze de tratament cu mofete,
White Mountain Property ofera spre vanzare aceasta pensiune situata in centrul statiunii balneo-climaterice covasna.
Pensiunea a fost construita in anul 2007 si ofera beneficiile unei baze de tratament cu mofete, bai cu apa minerala din fantana proprie si salon de masaj.
Restaurantul dispune de 60 de locuri inauntru, plus alte 30 de locuri pe terasa, iar bucataria si barul sunt utilate conform standardelor europene, fiind clasificate de Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Turismului la 3 *.
Pensiunea este compusa din 6 camere + 1 apartament, toate fiind dotate cu frigider si TV. Fiecare camera are baie proprie, compartimentata in 2 incaperi: intr-o incapere se afla cabina de dus cu hidromasaj, iar in cealalta incapere closetul si chiuveta.
Curtea interioara a pensiunii poate servi ca loc de parcare pentru 20 de masini. De asemenea, in curte exista si un gratar ce poate fi utilizat de turistii cazati la pensiune.
Pensiunea detine camere de supraveghere video si panouri solare ce deservesc la incalzirea apei.
White Mountain Property presents this holiday house for sale located in the spa resort of Covasna, built in 2007, which offers the benefits of treatment facilities, baths with mineral water from its own fountain and massage center.
The restaurant has 60 seats inside, plus 30 seats on the terrace, the kitchen and the bar are equipped according to the European Standards, being classified by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism as 3* holiday house.
The building consists of 6 rooms + 1 apartment, all equipped with fridge and TV. Each room has its own bathroom, divided into a hydro massage shower, toilet and sink.
The courtyard can serve as parking for 20 cars. Also, in the yard you can find a big grill, which can be used by the tourists who are staying there.
Moreover, the holiday house is equipped with a security system and solar panels, used for heating the water.
Cere oferta pret Pensiune de vanzare situata in centrul statiunii balneo-climaterice Covasna. € 170000
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