Oportunitate de investitie excelenta/Great oportunity for investment. € 325000
Cere oferta pret
White Mountain Property prezinta o proprietate exceptionala avand statutul unei pensiuni turistice. Locatia este situata la poalele masivului Parang,12 km de Targu Jiu si 30 de km de statiunea montana Ranca,
White Mountain Property prezinta o proprietate exceptionala avand statutul unei pensiuni turistice.
Locatia este situata la poalele masivului Parang,12 km de Targu Jiu si 30 de km de statiunea montana Ranca, practic la inceputul traseului pe Transalpina!
Constructiile au o suprafata de aproximativ 800 metri patrati, 600 de metri patrati cladirea pricipala,inconjurate de aproximativ 14000 de metri patrati. Se pun la dispozitie 7 camere fiecare cu baie proprie avand dotari de 4 stele. Pensiunea mai beneficiaza de o sala de restaurant cu o capacitate de 100 de persoane, o sala de coferinte de 60 de locuri,receptie cu dotari complete, bar, bucatarie, dotata conform standardelor, terase, parcare proprie cu sase locuri, grup termic propriu, sistem complex de panouri solare, canalizare proprie si alimentare cu apa de la reteaua comunala.
Exista posibilitatea de a beneficia si de incheierea unui proiect financiar european in valoare de 100000 de euro, in principal pentru definitivarea constructiei unei piscine a carei stare este la doua treimi finalizare din proiect.
De vazut amenajarea specifica caselor toscane la inceput de secol XX, constructia veche fiind initial rezultatul unui proiect realizat de un antrepenor italian, proiect inceput la 1893.
White Mountain Property presents, Toscana, a small hotel, located in the foothills of Parang, in the town of Musetesti, Grui village, about 15 km north from the city Targu Jiu and 30 km from the mountain resort named Ranca.
A few words about Ranca: The resort is located in the gorj county, on the southern slopes of the Parang Mountains, at 1600m altitude. During winter, Ranca is a perfect place for skiers and boarders, they can use the ski runs but they can also try the backcountry terrain. During summer, it is a very good starting point for hikers that want to explore the surrounding mountains.
The propriety is also situated at the beginning of Transalpina route. The highest road from Europe and the most visited part of Romania from foreign tourists. More info about Transalpina on Wikipedia.
The building whose construction began in 1893 was done in the style of houses from Tuscany. The construction entrepreneur, was an italian, named Arturo Bianchi, and the italian workers were refugees in Romania in XIX century. By arranging contemporary interiors we have tried to restore the atmosphere of the beginning of XX century. Consolidation and restoration lasted 4 years.
The buildings has about 800 sqm, and the main villa has 600 sqm, but the whole property has about 15.000 sqm. It has 7 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, a bar, a kitchen fitted with all the professional equipment required for a big restaurant, gardens, 3 bungalows outside the villa and other 4 are in a project if you would like to build more. The main villa also has a restaurant with a capacity of 100 people and a conference room for 60 people.
Its already been in use for 2 years and has already accumulated a great deal of interested visitors from Romania and especially from abroad.
This was priced billow the cost value for a quick sale. It`s a fantastic buy, a great investment and a profitable business with fantastic potentials.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The buyer of this villa will benefit from an European project, in the amount of 100.000 euros, intended for completing the pool, wich at moment stands at 2/3 completion.
Cere oferta pret Oportunitate de investitie excelenta/Great oportunity for investment. € 325000
Alte Produse Oportunitate de investitie excelenta/Great oportunity for investment. € 325000
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