massage & masaj & reflexoterapie & therapy & terapie - relax & terapeutic & sportiv

Cere oferta pret

Professional masseur therapist - mobile or private Appointments : it’s preferable to text your address & postal code _Mobile no: 004 0 748 317521 CHAT :

Professional masseur therapist - mobile or private
Appointments : it’s preferable to text your address & postal code
_Mobile no: 004 0 748 317521
CHAT : Skype:
_Experience (more than 10 years)
_Technique -
Holistic Style – combinations – comprehensive mixture of many styles
Swedish massage- like a base - but also – Shiatsu and Chinese – points - massage on meridians - presspuncture, reflexology massage on foots, palms and ears. _The style is flexible and the massage could be modified from case to case.
Massage - facial/reflexogene/relaxation /anticellulite
*_but also I’ve got recommendations from doctors who worked with me in past for different diseases like: arteriosclerosis, atrophy, non-inflamatory arthritis, anchylosis, motory deficiencies hemiplegia, hemiparesis, paresis, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, dyscopathy, cyphoscoliosis, arthritis, gonartrosis,etc.
Prices: Competitive rates
*_the service is exclusively massage
____________/// English - romana
Maseur profesionist terapeut - mobil sau privat
Programari:_Mobil: 004 0 748 317521
_Experience (mai mult de 10 ani)
_Tehnica - Holistic Style - combinatii -cuprinzatoare de mai multe stiluri de
Masaj suedez - ca o baza deasemenea, - Shiatsu si
preso-punctura chinezeasca - masaj pe meridiane -
reflexoterapie palme talpi
urechi. *_
Stilul este flexibil si poate fi
modificat de la caz la caz.
_RecomandariMasaj - facial / reflexogene / relaxare / anticelulita
*_deasemenea, am recomandari de la medici care
au lucrat cu mine in trecut pentru diferite boli cum ar fi:arterioscleroza, atrofie, artrita non-inflamator,anchylosis, deficiente motorii hemiplegie,hemipareza, pareza, paralizie, scleroza multipla,
discopatie, cifoscolioza, artrita, gonartrosis, etc_Preturi competitive
*_ serviciul este exclusiv masaj

Cere oferta pret massage & masaj & reflexoterapie & therapy & terapie - relax & terapeutic & sportiv


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