Masina pentru coaserea benzilor la saltele Matramax T180 Hig

Cere oferta pret

Firma Royal Systems este reprezentanta in Romania a MPT Group LTD, unul dintre cei mai importanti producatori de masini multifunctionale necesare productiei de saltele.

Firma Royal Systems este reprezentanta in Romania a MPT Group LTD, unul dintre cei mai importanti producatori de masini multifunctionale necesare productiei de saltele.

MPT Group ofera o gama larga de echipamente pentru saltele care permit indeplinirea tuturo cerintelor dumneavoastra in ceea ce priveste functionalitatea acestora.

MPT Group este in ziua de azi unul dintre liderii furnizorilor de masini pentru saltele din intreaga lume, exportand masini in peste 80 de tari.

Din gama de produse fac parte:
Masini pentru banda de margine a saltelelor
Masini pentru matlasarea saltelelor
Masini pentru arcuri
Masini pentru manerele saltelelor
Masini pentru matlasarea lateralelor saltelelor
Masini pentru impachetarea saltelelor
Alte automatizari pentru productia salteleor, special concepute pentru a va usura munca.

Product Description

The Matramax T180 Tape Edge is a complete mattress production system that incorporates the traditionally accepted tape edging method and combines it with a mattress turning system that totally eliminates the manual handling and turning of todayaa‚¬a„¢s heavyweight and oversized mattress products.
SYSTEM T180 offers the following important features :
Labour costs reduced by increased handling efficiency.

Reduction in operator fatigue by eliminating manual handling.

Conveyed movement of pre-formed products onto tape edge table.

Automated transfer to the mattress turning system which easily handles todayaa‚¬a„¢s Ultra Premium products.

A traditional style tape edge sewing system with the additional benefits of improved ergonomics and automated functions.

Among its many features are:
Power assisted carriage movement.
Variable speed straight-line control.
Variable corner-speed facility.
Powered head positioning control.
Tape feed synchronisation system.

Sewing Head

Available with 300U high speed chain sewing head or heavy duty lock stitch sewing head.
Pneumatic foot list (option available).
Extensive choice in binders.
Variable speed up to 3,500 rpm.
Adjustable stitch length.
High lift needle cam.


All the controls necessary to operate the MatraMax T180 Tape Edge Machine are mounted on one single ergonomically designed control pod.

From here the operator can easily adjust the following:

Start/ Stop machine.
Straight line carriage speed.
Corner speed.
Table height.
Angle of sewing head.
Position of the carriage around the table.
Increase or decrease the amount of feed.
Needle cooling on/ of.

Carriage & Table

King: 200cm x 210 cm
Other sizes are available on request.
Conveyor table top for easy positioning of mattress.

Cere oferta pret Masina pentru coaserea benzilor la saltele Matramax T180 Hig


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