Inchiriere apartament 2 camere Pitesti. Merita vazut!

Cere oferta pret

Dormitoare: 2 Bai: 1 Metri patrati: 63 Inchiriere apartament 2 camere, Nord, in apropiere de Kaufland. Apartamentul este confort 1, decomandat, cu camere foarte spatioase,

Dormitoare: 2
Bai: 1
Metri patrati: 63

Inchiriere apartament 2 camere, Nord, in apropiere de Kaufland.
Apartamentul este confort 1, decomandat, cu camere foarte spatioase, cu o suprafata totala de 66 mp, situat la etajul 5/10.
Imbunatatiri: renovat, izolatii exterioare/interioare, termopan, dressing, gresie, faianta, AC, centrala termica, la bucatarie - chiuveta si blat din granit, baie hidromasaj, cablu, internet etc.
Pretul de inchiriere 200 Euro, plus 2 luni in avans.
Flat/Apartment 2 rooms for rent, suitable for students, just married, family.
It is situated in the northern area of Pitesti, close to gas station, supermarket, taxi and bus station etc.
It is located at the 5th floor,(building with 10 levels), central heating, AIR CONDITIONED, spacious, all newly renovated, quality furnished, spacious beautiful living(not furnished yet), cosy bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, balcony, fridge, gas cooker and so on.
Monthly rent: 200 Euros, plus two months in advance.
Suprafata: 63
Podea: 5
Id-ul de referinta: GLX600742

Cere oferta pret Inchiriere apartament 2 camere Pitesti. Merita vazut!


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