Hotel de vanzare/For sale € 1200000

Cere oferta pret

White Mountain Property prezinta acest hotel situat in Tohanul Nou. Constructia acestui hotel a inceput in anul 2003 si a fost stopata in anul 2007, in prezent stadiul de finalizare fiind la 80%.

White Mountain Property prezinta acest hotel situat in Tohanul Nou.
Constructia acestui hotel a inceput in anul 2003 si a fost stopata in anul 2007, in prezent stadiul de finalizare fiind la 80%.
Cuprinde 16 camere si se afla la 300 m de soseaua nationala, cu acces pe un drum privat.
Cladirea se remarca prin arhitecura deosebita si prin calitatea cea mai buna a materialelor care au fost folosite.
White Mountain Property presents a great investment opportunity, a hotel situated close to Dracula's Castle.
The construction began in 2003 and stopped in 2007, so at the moment the hotel is at 80% of beeing finished.
It was intended to have 16 rooms, with a conference room and all the conforts.
It is aproximately 300 m away from the main road, with acces on a private road.
The oustanding architecture and the best construction materials used, make this building stand out in the area.

Cere oferta pret Hotel de vanzare/For sale € 1200000
