Hosting transfer nelimitat HTN START

Report abuse Categorie: Servicii
Subcategorie: Diverse

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Hosting Transfer Nelimitat Start Setup Gratis Pret/luna $2.5 IP dedicat Nu Spatiu pe disc 1 GB Trafic lunar Nelimitat Resource Rating (CPU, memory, etc.

Hosting Transfer Nelimitat Start
Setup Gratis
Pret/luna $2.5
IP dedicat Nu
Spatiu pe disc 1 GB
Trafic lunar Nelimitat

Resource Rating (CPU, memory, etc.) *
Websites Nelimitat

Web Services
Suport SSL Da

Raw log files Da

Full cgi-bin access Da
Dynamic module support Da

Creere si configurare Canale Podcast multiple Da

Mail Services
Toate planurile HTN ofera: Fara limita POP mailboxes Fara limita IMAP mailboxes, E-mail limitare spatiu pe disk, No limit e-mail aliases (forwarding), Autoresponder, Mailing, Filtrare Anti-spam, Filtrare Anti-virus

Servicii FTP Toate planurile HTN ofera
Anonymous FTP, No limit non-anonymous FTP accounts, Upload quota (disk space) limits, Custom welcome and directory messages

Toate planurile HTN ofera: / Web Development Tools PHP4 Da ,PHP5 ,Da .Perl5 .Da
E-Commerce Compatible
Toate planurile HTN ofera: Shopsite

Baze de date
Toate planurile HTN ofera:MySQL 4 or 5, PostgreSQL,1
Toate planurile HTN ofera: Podcasting,
Statistics (Log Analyzer) Packages.

Toate planurile HTN ofera: Urchin, The Webalizer* Available for HTN Pro plan.

Cere oferta pret Hosting transfer nelimitat HTN START
