Grinda vibranta pentru beton
Cere oferta pret
Special aluminium alloy for the profile, sturdy and lightweight. Vibration free handle to make the use safer as well. Adjustable centrifugal force through what guarantees a perfect finishing from any type of concrete.
Special aluminium alloy for the profile, sturdy and lightweight.
Vibration free handle to make the use safer as well.
Adjustable centrifugal force through what guarantees a perfect finishing from any type of concrete.
There is as well a handle on the engine itself. Ergonomy is the key word for this new concept of floater.
Technical data STL
Motor: Honda GX25
Power: 0,74 (1) kW (HP)
Frequency: 10.000 v.p.m.
Centrifugal force: 150 kg
Variable centrifugal force in order to guarantee a perfect finishing on every type of cement.
Oscillation meccanism.
The maneuvrability allows a better proportioning of the cement.
Symmetric curve profile support; designed in order to push and pull the cement.
Four-cycle engine with pull start.
Technical data STU
Motor: Honda GX25
Power: 0,74 (1) kW (HP)
Frequency: 10.000 v.p.m.
Centrifugal force: 150 kg
Cere oferta pret Grinda vibranta pentru beton
Alte Produse Grinda vibranta pentru beton
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