Filtre de lumina Cto Ctb difuzie

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Filtru Conversie 3200K / 5500K ( tungsten to daylight ). Pretul afisat este per coala/metru. Dimensiune cola: 100cm x 100 cm. Se poate debita orice lungime de la 1m la 42m cu latimea de 1m.

Filtru Conversie 3200K / 5500K ( tungsten to daylight ).

Pretul afisat este per coala/metru.
Dimensiune cola: 100cm x 100 cm.
Se poate debita orice lungime de la 1m la 42m cu latimea de 1m.

Pentru dimensiuni mai mari de 1m lungime, adaugati mai multe bucati in cos de cumparaturi.La finalul comenzii specificati in rubrica mentiuni comanda dimensiunile dorite.

Filtre echivalente:
* LEE: #201
* ROSCO: Cinegel #3202 Full Blue / E-Color #371
* GAM: #1523


CTB filters are designed to increase the color temperature (measured in degrees Kelvin) of a light source. CTB filters will raise the color temperature of an incandescent light source to match the color temperature of a daylight source such as a strobe or HMI lamps.

Full CTB will typically convert a 3200 K light source to 5500 K, or normal daylight. Because incandescent lamps vary in color temperature and with the operating voltage, usually there are seven graduated steps of CTB filters to help you achieve the proper color balance. They are 1/8, 1/6, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, full and extra.

When color temperature is very critical a color light meter should be used. The meter will give the color correction in "mired shift". Refer to the correction reference chart and select the filter closest to the mired shift suggested by your light meter.


Filtru Conversie Full CTO : 6500K / 3200K ( daylight to tungsten ).
Pretul afisat este per coala/metru.
Dimensiune cola: 100cm x 100 cm.
Se poate debita orice lungime de la 1m la 42m cu latimea de 1m.

Pentru dimensiuni mai mari de 1m lungime, adaugati mai multe bucati in cos de cumparaturi.La finalul comenzii specificati in rubrica mentiuni comanda dimensiunile dorite.

Filtre echivalente:
* LEE: #204
* ROSCO: E-Color #204
* GAM: #1543

CTO (Color Temperature Orange)

CTO Filters are designed to reduce the color temperature (measured in degrees Kelvin) of a light source. CTO Filters will lower the color temperature of daylight or a daylight source such as strobes and HMI lamps to match an incandescent light source. CTO's are often used on windows to convert daylight to incandescent light.

3/4 CTO or a combination between 1/2CTO + 1/4 CTO will typically convert sunlight at 5400 K to 3200 K typical tungsten. Because sunlight varies in color temperature by region and during the day from sunrise to sunset. Usually there are six graduated steps of CTO from 1/8 to Extra. You can achieve the proper color balance and the color quality of your choice by selecting from these six steps of CTO's, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, full and extra.

CTO filters are designed for color correcting HMI and strobes as well as daylight. Choose the correct filter by using the convenient a correction reference chart. In order to use the chart you must know the color temperature of your light source.

When color temperature is very critical, a color light meter should be used. The meter will give the color correction in "mired shift". Refer to the correction reference chart and select the CTO filter closest to the mired shift suggested by the light meter.

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Cere oferta pret Filtre de lumina Cto Ctb difuzie
