Dewatering containers (sem)
Cere oferta pret
DEWATERING CONTAINERS (SEM) Sludge is a biproduct of many industries. Due to the high proportion of liquid which it contains, disposal costs are accordingly high.
Sludge is a biproduct of many industries. Due to the high proportion of liquid which it contains, disposal costs are accordingly high. Many waste disposal sites now prohibit sludges and debris with too high a liquid content. The solution is the dewatering container.
The most important component of our dewatering container is the replaceable filter insert. The filtrate water is discharged between it and the container water. For problem-free emptying, the tipping side of the container is a flat surface. The filtered water is discharged from valves or slide valves in the bottom of the container. What remains is appropriately dewatered sludge, which can be disposed of at waste disposal sites. The container can also be equipped with a cover or tarpaulin.
It can be transported using any conventional skip vehicle or roll off tipper system. Special drains under the filter area dewater the wet material both quickly and reliably. The system does not use any energy during operation. Recycled water can reduce your water costs.
- Informatii suplimentare la: 1. telefon : 40721270891
2. e-mail : liliane.trading.international@gmail.com
3. persoana contact : Radu Bacila
- Internet links: Our own web pages where you can see pictures, video & technical details for: Halls and metallic https://plus.google.com/u/0/ RaduBacilacontainere-prese/photos
structures: https://plus.google.com/u/0/ RaduBacila-containere-prese/photos
All our products: https://plus.google.com/114371769307872490568/posts
All our products: https://picasaweb.google.com/100002247026381095500
Baling press: https://www.facebook.com/aymasmakinasanayi
Scrap shears: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Foarfeca-deseuri-Scrap-Shear-by-Aymas-Makina-Sanayi-Ticaret-LTD-STI/563800963709776#
Can baller & Magnetic separator: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Presa-doze-de-aluminiu-Beverage-Can-Baler-by-Aymas-Makina-Sanayi-Ticaret/339524042852666
Our face book page: https://www.facebook.com/aymasmakina.sti
Ours web pages: https://www.aymasmakina.com
https://www.liliane.co & https://www.liliane.ro
Our collaborators web pages where you can see pictures, video & technical details for: Waste compactors: https://www.facebook.com/prescontainere.compactoare
Web page: http://www.werner-weber.com/
Abroll and skip containers – roll off / roll on containers: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Conatinere-abroll-roll-off-roll-on-Skip-containere/338102582906110"ref=hl
Galvanised containers of 1100 L: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Containere-metalice-zincate/185516538196756"ref=hl
Street bins: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cosuri-de-gunoi-stradale/274987905873432"ref=hl
Trash bins bags and folio for wastes and construction: https://www.facebook.com/SaciDeGunoi
Web page: www.daciale.ro
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Cere oferta pret Dewatering containers (sem)
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