Dewatering abroll containers
Cere oferta pret
We produce dewatering abroll containers for mud / sludge from water treatment plants. Standard production: -17m3 - 5x2.3x1.5 LxlxH m, 4/3mm, 2230Kg, S235-
We produce dewatering abroll containers for mud / sludge from water
treatment plants. Standard production: -17m3 - 5x2.3x1.5 LxlxH m, 4/3mm, 2230Kg, S235-ST37, DIN 30722/T1
-19m3 -5.5x2.3x1.5 LxlxH m, 4/3mm, 2450Kg, S235-ST37, DIN 30722/T1
At request we can produce also other volumes
Informatii, detalii, oferte de pret si comenzi la: / Information, details,
prices, offers and orders at: - Ing. Radu Florin Bacila - Mobil: 40 721 270 891
- E-mail: 1iliane.trading.international@gmail.com
- Informatii suplimentare la: 1. telefon : 40721270891
2. e-mail : liliane.trading.international@gmail.com
3. persoana contact : Radu Bacila
- Internet links: Our own web pages where you can see pictures, video & technical details for: Halls and metallic https://plus.google.com/u/0/ RaduBacilacontainere-prese/photos
structures: https://plus.google.com/u/0/ RaduBacila-containere-prese/photos
All our products: https://plus.google.com/114371769307872490568/posts
All our products: https://picasaweb.google.com/100002247026381095500
Baling press: https://www.facebook.com/aymasmakinasanayi
Scrap shears: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Foarfeca-deseuri-Scrap-Shear-by-Aymas-Makina-Sanayi-Ticaret-LTD-STI/563800963709776#
Can baller & Magnetic separator: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Presa-doze-de-aluminiu-Beverage-Can-Baler-by-Aymas-Makina-Sanayi-Ticaret/339524042852666
Our face book page: https://www.facebook.com/aymasmakina.sti
Ours web pages: https://www.aymasmakina.com
https://www.liliane.co & https://www.liliane.ro
Our collaborators web pages where you can see pictures, video & technical details for: Waste compactors: https://www.facebook.com/prescontainere.compactoare
Web page: http://www.werner-weber.com/
Abroll and skip containers – roll off / roll on containers: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Conatinere-abroll-roll-off-roll-on-Skip-containere/338102582906110"ref=hl
Galvanised containers of 1100 L: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Containere-metalice-zincate/185516538196756"ref=hl
Street bins: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cosuri-de-gunoi-stradale/274987905873432"ref=hl
Trash bins bags and folio for wastes and construction: https://www.facebook.com/SaciDeGunoi
Web page: www.daciale.ro
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Cere oferta pret Dewatering abroll containers
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