Deadwood 2004–2006
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Deadwood 2004–2006 TV Series - 60 min/episod Crime|Drama|History Creator:David Milch Stars: Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Parker SUBTITRAT INTEGRAL IN LIMBA ROMANA Scurta descriere:
Deadwood 2004–2006
TV Series - 60 min/episod Crime|Drama|History
Creator:David Milch
Stars: Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Parker
Scurta descriere: Bine ati venit in Deadwood... un loc perfect pentru a-ti face avere. Seria ne prezinta "orasul", Deadwood, din South Dakota. Povestea incepe doua sapatamani mai tarziu, dupa masacrul de la Custer. Situat in Black Hills Indian Cession, "orasul' Deadwood este o asezare ilegala, violenta si necivilizata, care atrage o gama colorata de personaje in dorinta de a se imbogati - de la renegati si antreprenori, pana la soldati, prostituate si pistolari. In aceasta asezare necivilizata, traieste un fost om al legii, Wild Bill Hickok, si Seth Bullock, un om ce spera sa inceapa o noua viata.
Ambii barbati, se afla in parti diferite ale gardului legal si moral, unde se afla Al Swearengen, propietarul barului, hotelului si seful orasului. Vietile celor trei intra in contact cu multi altii, scursurile orasului Deadwood. Facem parte din procesul de crestere a Deadwood, de la o simpla tabara, pana la un oras. Show-ul are un cast larg plin de prezente istorice, ca: Seth Bullock, Al Swearengen,Wild Bill Hickok, Sol Star, Calamity Jane, Wyatt Earp, Charlie Utter, E. B. Farnum si George Hearst. Intriga ce implica aceste personaje, include adevaruri istorice si de asemenea elemente de fictiune.
Deadwood - Season 1
02.Deep Water
03.Reconnoitering the Rim
04.Here Was a Man
05.The Trial of Jack McCall
07.Bullock Returns to the Camp
08.Suffer the Little Children
09.No Other Sons or Daughters
10.Mister Wu
11.Jewel's Boot Is Made for Walking
12.Sold Under Sin
Deadwood - Season 2
01. A Lie Agreed Upon, Part I
02. A Lie Agreed Upon, Part II
03. New Money
04. Requiem For A Gleet
05. Complications (Formerly Difficulties)
06. Something Very Expensive
07. E.B. Was Left Out
08. Childish Things
09. Amalgamation And Capital
10. Advances, None Miraculous
11. The Whores Can Come
12. Boy-The-Earth-Talks-To
Deadwood - Season 3
01. Tell Your God To Ready for Blood
02. I Am Not The Fine Man You Take Me For
03. True Colors
04. Full Faith And Credit
05. A Two-Headed Beast
06. A Rich Find
07. Unauthorized Cinnamon
08. Leviathan Smiles
09. Amateur Night
10. A Constant Throb
11. The Catbird Seat
12. Tell Him Something Pretty
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Alte Produse Deadwood 2004–2006
The Minimum Agreed Upon: Consensual Budget Standards for the Netherlands
The Minimum Agreed Upon: Consensual Budget Standards for the Netherlands
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