Dance with me

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Romania / Bucuresti Schimba- ti starea de spirit cu programul Dance with me! Dance with me ! este un program special conceput pentru persoanele ce doresc miscare si intimitate si nu in ultimul rand intelegere,

Romania / Bucuresti
Schimba- ti starea de spirit cu programul Dance with me!
Dance with me ! este un program special conceput pentru persoanele ce doresc miscare si intimitate si nu in ultimul rand intelegere, acest program vine si in ajutorul cuplurilor ce au nevoie de consiliere, tuturor persoanelor ce doresc sa invete sa danseze si nu in ultimul rand gravidelor ce doresc sa faca miscare pe timpul sarcini.
Dance with me ! vine cu 3 programe
1. Lectii particulare de dans.
2. Terapie prin dans pentru cupluri.
3. Fitness pentru gravide
Tel. : 0771709591 & 0762637314
web- site:
Romania/ bucharest
Change your mood with Dance With Me program! Dance With Me! program is designed for people who want movement and intimacy and understanding, not least, this program comes to help couples who need counseling, all those who want to learn to dance and last but not least pregnant women who want to do exercise during pregnancy.
Dance With Me! comes with 3 programs
1. Private dance lessons.
2. Therapy for couples dancing.
3. Fitness for pregnant
Tel. : 0771709591 & 0762637314

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