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Subcategorie: Alte servicii

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Firma noastra este specializata in elaborarea documentatiei complete in vederea obtinerii fondurilor europene. Suntem una din firmele componente ale unui prestigios grup de firme de consultanta in afaceri si management .

Firma noastra este specializata in elaborarea documentatiei complete in vederea obtinerii fondurilor europene. Suntem una din firmele componente ale unui prestigios grup de firme de consultanta in afaceri si management . Echipa tanara de profesionisti provenind din sectoare de activitate cheie- bancare, financiare, agricole, tehnice au capacitatea de a elabora in timp foarte scurt si la preturi competitive si foarte avantajoase documentatia completa necesara obtinerii de fonduri europene pentru toate domeniile eligibile precum si sa asigure asistenta completa post-contractare. Experienta noastra vasta ( ferme vegetale-culturi de camp, ferme zootehnice, mixte, plantatii viticole, pomicole, abatoare, sere de legume, sere de flori, infiintarea si modernizarea de centre de vinificatie, infiintarea si modernizarea de pensiuni turistice si agroturistice, modernizari si infiintari fabrici de lapte, procesarea carnii, modernizari fabrici din domeniul panificatiei, dulciurilor, modernizari exploatatii forestiere, etc. ) in implementarea programului SAPARD va fi pusa in sprijinul ideilor dvs. astfel incat puteti fi siguri ca ati gasit consultantul potrivit astfel incat proiectul dorit sa poata obtine finantarea potrivita. De asemenea asiguram asistenta necesara sustinerii proiectelor la finantatori, evaluatori, fonduri de garantare. Oferim servicii profesioniste, seriozitate, confidentialitate in implementarea proiectelor europene asigurand realizarea acestuia pana la inchiderea finantarii cu un procent de reusita de 100%. Suntem deschisi oricaror colaborari si provocari in acest domeniu asigurandu-va de faptul ca daca doriti sa va dezvoltati afacerea sau sa demarati o afacere noua ati gasit partenerii potriviti.. Date de contact : 0723.002.355; 0722.947.475 site:,, e-mail, .
Our company specializes in designing complete documentation in order to obtain funds. We are one of the companies of a prestigious group of consulting firms and business management. The young professionals from key sectors of business and banking, financial, agricultural, technical have the capacity to develop in very short time and at competitive prices and highly profitable full documentation necessary to obtain EU funds for all eligible areas and to provide full assistance to post-contracting. Our vast experience (vegetable farms-field crops, livestock farms, mixed, plantations vines, fruit, slaughterhouses, vegetable greenhouses, the greenhouses flowers, establishment and modernization of wine-making centers, the establishment and modernization of guesthouses and agrotouristic, modernization and establish milk factories, meat processing, modernization of factories bakery field, sweets, modernization forestry holdings, etc.. ) In the implementation of SAPARD programme will be put in to support your ideas so that you can be sure that you have found the right consultant so that the project wanted to be able to obtain financing right. It also assured necessary assistance to support projects financiers, evaluators, guarantee funds. We offer professional services, seriously, in the privacy of European projects ensuring achievement until the closing of its financing with a success rate of 100%. We are open to any collaboration and challenges in this area will be providing that if you want to develop business or demarati a new business get suitable partners. Date: 0723, 002, 355; 0722, 947, 475 site:,, e-mail:,

