Coafuri EZ Combs, accesoriu de par revolutiona

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EZ Combs, accesoriul de par care face senzatie in toata lumea, a ajuns acum si in Romania. EZ Combs este accesoriul de par pe care il viseaza orice femeie moderna.

EZ Combs, accesoriul de par care face senzatie in toata lumea, a ajuns acum si in Romania.

EZ Combs este accesoriul de par pe care il viseaza orice femeie moderna. Acest cadou unic este un adevarat hair-styler care va ajuta sa creati instantaneu zeci de coafuri senzationale, lasandu-va sa dati frau liber imaginatiei. EZ Combs este elastic si confortabil, ajutandu-va sa va simtiti minunat in orice situatie si in acelasi timp sa aratati senzational. Accesoriul va strange parul cu fermitate, nelasandu-l sa cada, fiind in acelasi timp extrem de discret si natural.

EZ Combs este potrivit pentru toate tipurile de par, drept, ondulat, lung, mediu sau scurt si pentru toate ocaziile. Este usor de folosit si de purtat, atat acasa cat si la birou sau la ocazii speciale, ajutandu-va sa aveti un look deosebit, elegant si modern.

Pentru femeia activa, care mereu vrea sa arate foarte bine, EZ Combs este raspunsul simplu, care realizeaza un look seducator.

Cadoul este prezentat intr-un blister sigilat care contine doua accesorii ( cleme ) disponibil pe culoarea caramel+argintiu, negru +rosu, negru+caramel, rosu + caramel.

Product Description :
EZ-Combs Fabulous Hairstyles Instantly :: As Seen On TV!. EZ CombsTM works like magic to transform your hairstyle from ordinary to beautiful - in just seconds. EZ CombsTM creates hairstyles that are professional and fun looking. You'll easily create an amazing looking result that will impress people. The best part is that it's so comfortable to wear, that you'll wear it for hours without even remembering you have it on. The secret is the specially designed dualcombs with 10 durable bungees that stretch and hold your hair. EZ CombsTM works beautifully on any hair type...thin, thick curly or straight. They even look great on short hair too! So treat yourself to a EZ CombsTM today while this special promotion is still active! It's great for women of all lifestyles with all types of hair. EZ Combs is a specially designed dual comb with 10 durable bungees that stretch and hold the hair in any design you choose. EZ Combs is so comfortable to wear that hours will go by without your even realizing you are wearing it. EZ Combs work equally well with any hair type - thick, thin, curly or straight. As your busy life ramps through the day, in just seconds you can be changing from the girl on the treadmill, to soccer mom, to office associate, to glamorous girl at a romantic dinner. And, now, in just seconds, thanks to EZ Combs, your hair can change with you. EZ Combs, easy to use, easy to wear, will give any woman that how does she do it" look. For the active woman who always wants to look her best, EZ Combs is the comfortable answer to style that dazzles.

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Cere oferta pret Coafuri EZ Combs, accesoriu de par revolutiona


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