Clapa midi pentru calculator Target-noua
Cere oferta pret
Target Soundline MIDI keyboard TRG MK-149 - Made in Holland-ORIGINAL -4 octave -cablu calculator -adaptor usb -alimentator -soft Ev Audio/CD BONUS 1 PLACA DE SUNET ISA O clapa midi functioneaza doar cu ajutorul unui calculator.
Target Soundline MIDI keyboard TRG MK-149 - Made in Holland-ORIGINAL
-4 octave
-cablu calculator
-adaptor usb
O clapa midi functioneaza doar cu ajutorul unui calculator. O conectezi la calculator si folosesti un soft pt crearea de muzica. Exemple de soft-uri pt creare muzica: fl studio ( un program semiprofesional de creare muzica), reason de la propellerheads (program profesional), cubase de la steinberg (program profesional), pro tools ( ai nevoie de ceva hardware pt a putea folosi protools) sau acest soft ev audio care ste singurul soft din lume cu adevarat usor si acesibil oricui..
Asadar pentru o clapa midi ai nevoie de un calculator si monitoare audio (boxe). Procesorul si placa audio trebuie se fie puternice daca se doreste crearea de muzica pe calculator. Memoria trebuie sa fie si ea mare pentru ca se poate ajunge foarte usor la 2 GB.
O modalitate simpla de utilizare a clapei este aceea de a crea fraze muzicale, pe care le inregistrati intr-un program virtual Ev Audio care este un secventer,ce se livreaza cu clapa sau [Cubase, Ableton, FruityLoops Studio etc]. Banca lui de sunete cuprinde si sunete de tobe, deci nu este o problema in crearea ritmurilor.Desigur, vor trebuie ascultate si inregistrate si astfel veti avea nevoie de o placa de sunet si niste boxe .
It's strictly a MIDI control keyboard - ie all it gives out is MIDI data corresponding to the notes you press, and their respective volumes. Thus it can be used for controlling other keyboards, talking to the soundcard in your computer and recording into a sequencer such as Cubase.
As such keyboards go it is at the cheaper end of the range, but has tonnes of features which make it excellent value for money. Inbuilt transpose, MIDI channel send, a memory bank into which to store preset configurations, pitch bend and modulation wheels. Also the keys are very consistent, and pleasantly weighted. It really is the best value keyboard you will find in this price range.
On the other hand, that depends on what you need it for. If you are recording into a sequencer, such as Cubase, then chances are you will do all your transposition, MIDI channel changes and so forth in the sequencer, and all you really need on the keyboard are the wheels - in which case there are a couple of cheaper keyboards around that will suit your purposes.
The 149 has a special MIDI cable which gives it phantom power if used in conjunction with the SoundBlaster Live Soundcard, which means you don't need to buy a separate transformer in this case.
I would thoroughly recommend this keyboard.
Cere oferta pret Clapa midi pentru calculator Target-noua
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