Casa de vanzare/ House for sale € 55000

Cere oferta pret

White Mountain Proeprty prezinta o casa de vanzare situata in Halchiu, constructie noua anul 2010, casa este la rosu in interior,avand pe exterior termoizolatie,

White Mountain Proeprty prezinta o casa de vanzare situata in Halchiu, constructie noua anul 2010, casa este la rosu in interior,avand pe exterior termoizolatie, amprenta la sol a casei este 110 mp, etajul avand 110 mp impreuna cu mansarada, cele doua balcoane si beciul au suprafata de 50 mp.
Parterul este compus din: hol, living, bucatarie si baie.
La etaj gasim : 3 dormitoare si o baie, iar doua dintre ele beneficiaza si de balcon.
Casa este construita cu caramida porotherm, materiale de cea mai buna calitate, izolatie exterioara de 10 cm.
Este amplasta pe un teren de 300 m2.
White Mountain Property presents a house situated at 10 km away from brasov.
It has been built in 2010, but never finished by the owners.
None of the interior work has been done but, the house is weather tight and all of the exterior has been isolated.
The total surface of the house is spread over 2 levels, each having 110 sqm.
The ground floor is composed of a living room, hallway, kitchen and bathroom, whilst the first floor holds 3 bedrooms and a bathroom.
The house is build out of efficient brick and has good quality materials put into it.
The plot, the house sits on has 300 sqm.

Cere oferta pret Casa de vanzare/ House for sale € 55000


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