Bureti hemostatici HyprosorbZ

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Reliable hemostasis following teeth extraction Hypro-Sorb A® Z is designed for haemostasis after tooth extraction in stomatology. Hypro-Sorb Z is a pure,

Reliable hemostasis following teeth extraction
Hypro-Sorb A® Z is designed for haemostasis after tooth extraction in stomatology.

Hypro-Sorb Z is a pure, sterile, native, 99.9% crystalline, resorbable, bovine atelocollagen that is used in dentistry to stop bleeding from teeth extraction. It is marketed in the form of inserts that have the shape of tooth roots and thus are easy to apply. Hemostasis is achieved quickly and reliably with Hypro-Sorb Z because atelocollagen is the most efficient hemostatic known.

Hypro-Sorb Z exhibits a specific activity towards thrombocytes and induces the release of coagulation factors, which, in conjuction with blood plasma factors, form a sealing fibrin substance that stops capillary bleeding.

When is Hypro-Sorb Z used"

Periodontal diseases and dental caries are among the most widespread civilization diseases. Sometimes, gingival or subgingival bleeding is an accompanying phenomenon. In addition, many dental disorders are treated by surgery, where stopping bleeding may pose a problem. Where the patientaa‚¬a„¢s blood coagulation is normal and no coagulation-reducing drugs are used by the patient, the solution is usually simple. However, if the patient suffers from hemophilia or if his or her blood coagulation is reduced by drugs, situations threatening the patient through massive blood loss can arise. Bleeding following tooth extraction or gum resection can be stopped easily by using Hypro-Sorb Z, which is an anatomically shaped, hemostatic tooth root insert. Increased bleeding is also a side effect of long-acting anaesthetics such as bupivacain and etidocain.

Their vasodilative effect brings about problems of massive bleeding, especially during surgeries associated with the removal of large amounts of soft tissue or bone. In addition, the large cavities remaining after the surgery can become sources of postoperative bleeding from the existing tissue (maxillary sinus).

Collagen hemostatics are efficient in effecting local hemostasis in children suffering from hemorrhagic diathesis. The use of this product is much safer and less costly than the use of blood products in substitution therapy, and is especially well suited for children with Type A hemophilia with factor VIII antibodies.

Postoperative bleeding is mainly due to residual granulations, root left in the socket, foreign matter (bone fragments, broken pieces of crowns, ...), repeated rinsing of the patientaa‚¬a„¢s mouth and mechanical irritation of the coagulum. Bleeding due to systemic causes is most frequent in patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coagulopathies, anticoagulation treatment and hepatopathy.

If the patient is undergoing anticoagulation treatment or suffers from a hepatic disease and his or her Quick test INR value exceeds 3, the wound is usually treated by using a tissue adhesive. If the INR value is lower than 3, resorbable wound suture with the Hypro-Sorb Z local hemostatic is sufficient. If the wound does not bleed after the suturation procedure, waiting for a minimum of 30 minutes is recommended to be sure that the bleeding does not set in again.

Hemostatic properties

Hypro-Sorb Z is one of the most efficient products to stop capillary bleeding. The use of this product is beneficial to the patients in a number of ways. A faster hemostasis makes for a lower blood loss and a shorter time of the surgery. The tooth insert is easy to handle, owing to which the bleeding can be managed quite readily and the amounts of the material spent are minimal. Hypro-Sorb Z absorbs more body fluid than it weighs itself !

The healing process is free from signs of inflammation and no reaction to a foreign body is induced by the material.

Hypro-Sorb Z should be inserted into the extracted tooth alveola during the dental surgery and compressed slightly. Bleeding will normally stop within 2 to 5 minutes. It is best to use dry Hypro-Sorb Z, which can be pre-moistened with blood or saline for easier shaping.

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