Apartament de inchiriat in zona Kisselef

Cere oferta pret

Dormitoare: 1 Bai: 1 Metri patrati: 60 Mobilat: Da Animale de companie: Nu Taxa agentului: Da Zona de nord a Bucurestiului a cunoscut o dezvoltare accentuata dupa Primul Razboi Mondial,

Dormitoare: 1
Bai: 1
Metri patrati: 60
Mobilat: Da
Animale de companie: Nu
Taxa agentului: Da

Zona de nord a Bucurestiului a cunoscut o dezvoltare accentuata dupa Primul Razboi Mondial, astfel incat s-a construit aici un intreg cartier de vile destinate mai-marilor zilei (in general reprezentatii paturii superioare a burgheziei, inalti functionari, dar si fosti mari boieri). S-a construit cu multa atentie, preponderent in stilurile Neo-Romanesc si Art Deco, fiecare lot de casa avand spatii verzi si strazi bine definite.
Apartamentul este amplasat intr-o vila construita in una din cele mai frumoase zone ale Bucurestiului, zona Kiseleff, are doua camere, o bucatarie si o baie, iar suprafata utila a acestui apartament este de 50 mp.
The northern area of bucharest has seen a sharp growth after World War 1 so an entire neighborhood of villas were built there for the great of the days (usually upper class, representatives of the bourgeoisie and former). It was built with great attention, mainly in Neo-Romanian style and Art Deco, each batch of home with well-defined green spaces and streets.
The apartment is located in a villa built in one of the most beautiful areas of Bucharest, the Kiseleff area, has two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, and the usable area of this apartment is 50 sqm.

Cere oferta pret Apartament de inchiriat in zona Kisselef


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