statii radio - Pret oferta

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    Statie Radio Midland Alan 220

    Modelul 2009 al seriei Midland, care imbina caracteristici deja existenta in gama, cu inovatii in domeniu, stabilind un nivel nou al standardelor si al calitatii cu care deja ne-a obisnuit acest producator. Dubla posibilitate de fixare, atat cea clas... ..

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    Statie Radio Puxing 728 UHF

    Frequency range: 400-470Mhz Side button 2 and side button 3 can be programmable by PC software to these functions: Monitor, squencl on/off, scan on/off, scan temperary delete, high/low power, talk about, Reverse frequency, VOX on/off and scrambler on... ..

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    Statie Radio Intek M-760

    - Toate benzile europene - Display Lcd luminat - a doua generatie de ESP "COMPANDER" - RX/TX AUDIO SPEECH PROCESSOR - Squelch manual sau fix - ROGER BEEP TON - Auto Scan / dUAL WATCH - MICROFON DE CALITATE SUPERIOARA - Butoane de schimbat canalele su... ..

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    Statie radio President JOHNSON II

    Canale....................................................40 canale AM/FM (in functie de selectarea shemei de frecventa) Plaja gamei de frecventa.......................26.965-27.405 MHz Sensibilitatea.........................................0.5μV ... ..

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    Statia Radio CB Danita 640

    - Numarul de Canale: 40 Canale FM - Gama de Frecventa: 26.565MHz - 27.991MHz - Controlul de Frecventa: PLL Sintetizat - Toleranta in Frecventa: 0.002 % - Stabilitate in Frecventa: 0.001 % - Gama temperaturilor de functionare, de la -10°C la 55&de... ..

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    Statie Radio maritima Uniden RT2500

    55 canale - DSC (Digital Selective Calling) Class D - NMEA iesire pt interfata GPS - ATIS sistem (inland navigation standard) - LCD display (40 x 26 mm) - Submersibila (IPX7 standard) - Putere : 25 W si 1 W reglabil - Programare fin microfon - Scanar... ..

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    Statie Radio maritima , portabila, Midland

    LCD 20 Canale salvabile Salvarea ultimului canal Acces imediat la canal 16, canal de URGENTA Cronometru cu timp internediar Ceas Energie salvata automat Indicator nivel sacazut baterie Buton de apel cu 10 tonuri selectabile Reglare squelch automat Ta... ..

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    Statie Radio Puxing 728 UHF

    Frequency range: 400-470Mhz Side button 2 and side button 3 can be programmable by PC software to these functions: Monitor, squencl on/off, scan on/off, scan temperary delete, high/low power, talk about, Reverse frequency, VOX on/off and scrambler on... ..

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    Boxa externa pentru statii radio CB

    Putere : 5 Watts Dimensiuni : 86*69*48 mm Greutate : 200 g Livrari in toata tara. Pret transport - 17 RON Se emite Factura! Produsul este NOU! Se ofera GARANTIE!... ..

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    Antena statie radio MINISTAR 27

    Banda frecventa: 26-28 MHz Nr. de canale: 40 Putere maxima: 10 W Min. S.W.R.: 1:1,2 Lungime: 350 mm Impedanta: 50 Ohm Greutate: 450 g Material: inox steel Tip de conector: mufa PL 259 Baza magnetica: 29 mm Lungime cablu: 3mProducator: Midland... ..

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    Statie Radio DISCOVERY II ASQ

    Putere 4W, 40 de canale, moduri AM/FM, control Squelch automatic, memoria ultimului canal folosit, canale 9/19, display LED verde/rosu, indicator de emisie, indicator de receptie, iesire difuzor extern. Garantie 24 de luniProducator: CM Storm... ..

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    Antena statie radio Alan PC8

    Gama de Frecvențe 25-30 MHz Nr. de canale 130 Puterea maxima aplicabila 900 W Gain 4 dB Lungime 1630 mm Impedanța 52 ohmi Greutate 0.45 Kg Material Oțel inoxidabil Tipul de Conector PL 259 Diametru 10 mmPr... ..

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    Antena statie radio NR-770R

    Banda de frecvente 144/430 MHz Sistem de prindere fix cu cablu cod T301 Castig 3.0 dB pentru 144 MHz Castig 5.5 dB pentru 430 MHz Mufa de tip BNC si PL259 Impedanta 50 ohmProducator: Midland... ..

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    Antena statie radio Alan S9

    Banda de frecventa: 26-28 MHz Numar de canale: 200 canale Tip antena: 1/4 Lambda Puterea maxima aplicata(W): 300 SWR minim in centrul benzii: mai buna deProducator: Midland... ..

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    Antena statie radio Funk 150

    Gama de Frecvențe 26-28 MHz Nr. de canale Nu Puterea maxima aplicabila 300 W Gain Nu Lungime 1500 mm Impedanța 50 ohmi Material Oțel inoxidabilProducator: Midland... ..


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