statii betoane second hand - Pret oferta
Statie de betoane Schlosser de vanzare second hand stare buna de 90 m3/h import
STATIE DE BETOANE marca germania second hand din anul 1991 capacitate de 90 m3 ..
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Statie Betoane ORU KOALA 500 Statii de Betoane
OFERTA STATIE DE BETOANE ORU KOALA 500 SECOND HAND TIP UTILAJ: Statie... de betoane MARCA: Oru Koala MODEL: 500 CAPACITATE: 15 m3/h DESCRIERE: Statie de betoane ..
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Statie betoane Betomix fixa de mare capacitate cu malaxor second hand import
Betomix fixa de mare capacitate cu malaxor second hand import germania statie...TIP UTILAJ: Statie Betoane MARCA: Betomix MODEL: 350 MALAXOR: ZM 4500 AN... FABRICATIE: 1989 CAPACITATE: 150 m3/h DESCRIERE: Statie de Betoane Betomix 350 din anul ..
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Statie de betoane CPL 60 cbm/h de vanzare second hand stare foarte buna preturi
vanzari statii de betoane second hand capacitate de 60 m3/h sh import CONTACT: Ruben... de betoane CPL 60 cbm/h de vanzare second hand stare foarte buna preturi iftine import...STATIE DE BETOANE - 2 bucatiMarca CPLModel Ore functionare 2001Capaciate 60 m3 ..
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Statie betoane Elba 1988 60mc/h de vanzare second hand
OFERTA STATIE DE BETOANE Elba 1988 60mc/h de vanzare second hand TIP UTILAJ... utilajului la sediul beneficiaruluiStatie betoane Elba 1988 60mc/h de vanzare second hand...: Statie de betoane MARCA: Elba MODEL: AN FABRICATIE: 1988 CAPACITATE: 60mc/h DESCRIERE ..
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Statie betoane mobila Liebherr Copsctmix de vanzare second hand leasing vanzari
STATIE DE BETOANE mobilaMarca LiebherrModel Compactmix 1,0 A-R/RIM-MAn ..
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Statie de Betoane IMER Betomatic 508 20mc 1996 Second Hand
OFERTA STATII DE BETOANE SECOND H TIP UTILAJ: Statie de betoane MARCA: Imer... MODEL: Betonmatic 508 AN FABRICATIE: 2002 CAPACITATE: 18-20 m3/h DESCRIERE: Statie... de betoane Marca Imer Model Betonmatic 508 din 2002 Tambur de 508 Capacitate 18-20 mc/h ..
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Statie de Beton TEPE 100m3 pe ora statii de beton second hand de vanzare import
TEPE 100m3 pe ora statii de beton second hand de vanzare import statie betoane.... Vanzari statii de beton, accesorii stati de betoane mixere, silozuri, containere...Statie de Beton TEPE – cu CE-Sign Disponibila ACUM Tip TEPE flow mixer ..
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Statie de betoane semi-mobila Liebherr 1,0 de vanzare second hand import
STATIE DE BETOANE LIEBHERR 1,0 SEMI-MOBILA SECOND HAND, STARE BUNA IMPORT!Marca... externaStatie de betoane semi-mobila Liebherr 1,0 de vanzare second hand import vanzari... statii betoane semi-mobile sh capacitate 60 m3/h CONTACT: Ruben Marian 0720546006 ..
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Statie betoane mobila Euromix de vanzare second hand model 75 2005 75m3/h
STATIE DE BETOANE MOBILAMarca EuromixModel 75An fabricatie 2005Capacitate 75 m3 ..
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Oferta Statie Betoane 60m3 ELBA Betonmischanlage
, statii betoane second hand, statii betoane din Germania statii complet automatizate...Statie de Betoane ELBA Betonmischanlage, 60 m³/h, voll einsatzfähig..., Standort DeutschlandStare foarte buna Pret 125.000 euro Oferta statii de betoane ..
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Autorav - statii de betoane
Statie de betoane mobila 45mc/h, Simi BSA45, second-hand, 15 ore functionare... : 1000 retete beton; GARANTIE 12luni ! Pret special statie betoane: EUR 89.650,00 CPT ..
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Statie de betoane second hand, statii betonae
into truck mixers or onto tipper trucks Statie de betoane second hand de vanzare...STATIE DE BETOANE SEMI-MOBILA Marca Stetter 1,0 Capacitate 60 m3/h Malaxor... ready at the job-site just in time. On the other hand also here a high-quality ..
Masini si Utilaje Industriale
Statie betoane Vogele 1995 45-50mc/h de vanzare second hand vanzari statii
OFERTA STATIE DE BETOANE Vogele 1995 45-50mc/h de vanzare second hand TIP... UTILAJ: Statie de betoane MARCA: Vogele MODEL: AN FABRICATIE: 1995 CAPACITATE: 45...-50mc/h DESCRIERE: Statie de betoane Marca Vogele Model din 1995 Capacitate 45-50mc ..
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Statie betoane Teka THZ 1500 1988 60mc/h de vanzare second hand
OFERTA STATIE DE BETOANE Teka THZ 1500 1988 60mc/h de vanzare second hand TIP... UTILAJ: Statie de betoane MARCA: Teka MODEL: THZ 1500 AN FABRICATIE: 1988 CAPACITATE...: 60mc/h DESCRIERE: Statie de betoane Marca Teka Model THZ 1500 din 1988 Capacitate ..
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Index oferta: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z