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Medical product Emdogain Plus for periodontal tissues
Emdogain promotes growth of all periodontal tissues, acellular cementum, functional periodontal tissues, alveolar bone. Emdogain creates a surface for cementum production Experimental studies in a marginal dehiscence model in primates show that EMDOGAIN creates a suitable surface for the colonization of cementum-
Categorie: Produse Cosmetica &MedicalaSubcategorie: Diverse
Numele firma: Irali International Inc.
Persoana de contact: Stefanik Calin
Adresa: Bucuresti, Bucuresti (brasov), Negru Voda, 4, Bl. C3A, Ap.10, Sector 3 (Avram Iancu48)
Telefon: 0722497009